Is Your Brand Set Apart Or Lost In The Crowd? 5 Signs It’s Time To Rebrand

Here’s the truth: Rebranding is more than just tweaking a logo.

Done at the right time, it can set you apart from competitors, reach new markets, and update outdated aspects of your business. However, it is not without risk.

Whether you’re a chef, an entrepreneur, or a freelancer, looking to impact bigger audiences, you probably already know how crucial it is to have a strong brand.

But as with anything business or creative, digital landscapes can change. Your strategy may change. Your company may need to pivot, and all these may require you to rebrand.

The next thing you’ll need to consider (and very carefully, that is) is when the time is right.

If you’re on the fence about it, you’ve come to the right place!

We’ll be discussing the 5 signs it’s time for you to rebrand and the difference between rebranding and refreshing. But first, let’s get clear on...

What Is Rebranding?

Rebranding definition: It's a change in the entire brand philosophy and beliefs which usually involves a complete change in the look and feel of your identity.

Apart from changing your logo or company name, (Facebook’s Meta ring a bell, anyone?) it involves bigger picture changes such as a company’s slogan, vision, mission, values, etc. to build a new identity in your audience, competitors, investors or other stakeholder’s minds.

What Is The Difference Between Rebranding and Refreshing?

rebranding vs refreshing

It can get confusing for many business owners and creatives to pinpoint the scope and objectives of rebranding and refreshing.

We’ve defined rebranding as changing the entire brand philosophy, beliefs, and look and feel of your identity.

Brand refreshing is the process of adjusting certain elements of your brand’s existing design.

It could also involve introducing new elements to an existing design to further develop its current identity.

Knowing this, it is important to consider which option is best for your company and make sure that you launch your rebranding or refreshing campaign at the right time.

What Is Branding?

Now before we dive deep into whether or not it’s time to rebrand, let’s go back to the basics of defining what branding really is.

Branding definition:

As celebrated graphic designer, copywriter, and author, Marty Neumeier puts it:

what is branding marty neumeier

While The Dictionary of Brand defines it as:

“A person’s perception of a product, service experience, or organization.”

Why Is Branding Important For My Business?

Great branding delivers results for your business. It can truly mean the difference between monumental success and mediocrity.

Branding done right can help you build a loyal tribe, improve employee retention, and attract loyalists be it, customers or advocates.

Great branding allows you to humanize your business and create a deeper connection with your audience. They hear you, they see you, and they relate to you. When this happens, it’s easy to grow your revenue, impact communities, and stand out from the crowd.

If that’s not happening with your brand, it might be time for a change.

How Do I Know When It’s Time To Rebrand?

Is it time for your brand’s complete makeover? Remember that it takes careful consideration and proper strategizing to execute a successful rebrand.

Take, for example, the well-received makeover of Burger King after 20 years. Its new logo and muted color scheme is an homage to its first-ever design, which is seamlessly applied to all their packaging, merch, online and offline assets.

burger king new logo rebrand

*Image Credit: Business Insider

The result? An authentic and natural look that stands out from competitors. It pays to be calculated, timely, and thoughtful - especially with major rebrands.

burger king redesign rebrand new logo

On the other hand, there are still a lot of brands that get carried away.

And BIG brands, for that matter. In 2010, GAP decided to spruce up their iconic and beloved logo. Their new one looked nothing like their classic boxed design, causing outraged patrons.

logo gap failure redesign gap

*Image Credit: The Branding Journal

Their rebrand was even accused of being a PR stunt. Just after 6 days, the company went back to its old logo.

Moral of the story? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

If you decide to rebrand, your new design should consider the emotional bond your customers have with your brand.

Just as a makeover isn’t supposed to change who you are but reveal who you are -

rebrands and refreshes need thoughtful, strategic, and timely planning for them to work well.

5 Signs It’s Time For Your Company To Rebrand

1. You’re Attracting The Wrong Customers Or You Want To Attract A New Audience

Do you have an awesome product or stellar service? Would you say you have repeat purchases and maybe even a good number of loyal consumers?

They love it, they’ve shared it. You’ve got great reviews… But when it comes to social media, (and maybe even sales) all you hear are crickets.

If you’re wondering where your dream clients or tribe of loyal customers are — and it’s been that way for a while — it may be time to rebrand. If there’s a gap between your company’s identity and who your audience thinks it is, it may be time to rebrand. One of two things is possible: either your identity isn’t connecting with your audience OR you’ll need to attract a new audience.

In this case, a rebrand would mean switching your target audience and the benefits you offer.

2. Your Brand is Painfully Outdated Or Lacks A Cohesive Look And Feel

Say your website’s design is outdated and you’ve been embarrassed to go on it… Or, you find yourself experimenting with font styles and color palettes for promotional materials.

Maybe when you started your company or service, a brand style guide (or brand bible) wasn’t in the works and no cohesive theme was truly set.

It may be a good time to rebrand! Take Google for example, who’s had seven logos over the last 20 years! It’s important that your look is aligned and is up to date with who you really are.

logos google since 1997 history

Your audience has to be able to easily link your message and design to you and your story. Rebranding for cohesiveness and clarity should achieve recognizable and lasting recall.

3. Your Brand Is Getting Lost In The Crowd

supermarket shelf packaging design

*Image Credit: Unsplash

Here’s a fun activity you can do! If you have a physical product in your business, try heading to your local grocery (or any store where you can possibly see your product being distributed).

Bring one of your products in the store and find an ideal location or shelf space where you’d want to display your item. Take a picture and see if it stands out! Do you see your product getting picked among your competitors?

Packaging design is a clear extension of your brand identity’s ability to differentiate. If you blend in, it might just be time for a rebrand.

This doesn’t only apply to physical products but any service or content you put out. Compare yourself to your competitors and really ask: would I pick myself among the sea of options with the content/service/messaging I put out? If not, this would be a good reason to consider rebranding.

4. Your Brand Is Growing

Now, this is one of those “good problems” to have. Scaling a business will eventually involve new products or additional services. These changes would mean having to cast a wider customer net.

When this happens, the last thing you’ll want to do is change your brand to accommodate new profiles. Instead, seek to build an identity that can grow with the brand.

The best rebranding makeovers for businesses that experience significant growth are able to factor in scalability and clarity in its purpose and vision despite the expansion.

5. Your Brand Lacks Clarity

brand lacks clarity

*Image Credit: Unsplash

Apple’s success started with an audacious vision. But with that Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) also came hyperfocused clarity. That level of clarity eventually manifested in their design, their products, and their messaging, which lead them to become one of the world’s most valuable brands to this day.

While conviction and audacity are common amongst the most successful brands, conversely, lack of clarity can be anyone’s biggest downfall.

If consumers can’t simply understand a brand, they will most likely forget it. When that happens, conversion suffers.

A brand’s assets should never leave potential consumers scratching their heads. If it does, it’s time to consider an update.

People follow leaders who know where they are going. The same goes for brands. The ones who are clear with who they are and where they’re headed become market leaders.

A strong branding strategy clearly communicates a brand’s purpose, vision, mission, and values. If you aren’t confident about your current strategy, the best solution is to consult a brand expert.


  • Rebranding is completely changing the look and feel of your identity.

  • Refreshing is adjusting certain elements of the existing design or introducing new elements to further develop your brand identity.

  • Knowing when and why your business should rebrand is crucial to the campaign’s success.

Final Thoughts on Rebranding Your Business

Use these five signs to assess your own brand identity. It should give you a better idea of how and where your brand can improve to gain a level of trust, results, and connections like never before.

Let me leave you with these two questions to reflect on:

  1. Based on these 5 signs, how would you rate your current brand identity?

  2. Could it be time for something new?

If you think it’s time to rebrand: which among the 5 signs applies to your purpose for rebranding?

And because we’re aiming for further clarity: write 3 end goals you want to achieve with rebranding.

If you’re unsatisfied with your brand’s rating, there’s still hope! With the key points that we’ve made in this article, we hope that helped give a clearer idea of ways to improve your branding whether or not you need to rebrand.


Mindsy is a branding studio specializing in strategy, brand identity, and packaging. We help female entrepreneurs create mindful, healthy brands.

We can help you get started with what matters most in building a truly impactful brand. Get your message across, reach the right people, and set yourself apart from the crowd. Leave us a note about your business and we’ll be in touch to get your story out into the world.